Dolibung Waterfall Mudventure

Dolibung Waterfall: A Muddy Adventure [14 January 2024] 
Ulu Moyog Ecotourism, Kampung Nougats Togudon, Penampang, Sabah 

Disclaimer: This post is my personal experience and opinion. Information provided are effective at the time of posting. You may skip the lengthy experience and scroll down below for photos and summary. Anyhow, thank you!

I was invited by my friend for a hike to Dolibung Waterfall in Kampung Togudon, Penampang, Sabah, Malaysia. The approximate location of the  Dolibung Waterfall Starting Point is here. Since I have a free weekend, why not right? At least I got the chance to explore that place. To make the group merrier, I 'dragged' another friend of mine along.

The Day:

My friend and I has set to meet up at starting point around 7am. Based on the GPS location given, I decided to depart around 6am. According to Google Map, the drive will take about 50 minutes for about 40km distance (from Kota Kinabalu area) with light traffic via Tambunan - Kota Kinabalu road. It was drizzling at some part of the road. Seems like leftover from yesterday heavy rain. Then, I was thinking the trail is going to be very very "adventurous".

Upon reaching the said location, we were a bit doubtful if that was the place as there is no clear signage seen coming from the Kota Kinabalu direction. Nevertheless, we just parked at the empty area nearby the starting point. The only we noticed there is a signboard "Kawasan Eko-Pelancongan Komuniti Air Terjun Dan Jungle Trekking" that visible from the Tambunan direction.

Since we arrived about 40 minutes earlier, we just hanged around at the hut nearby while waiting for the person in charge and guide to arrive. The sky still looked gloomy with impending rainfall. More and more cars coming in and parked. Looks like it's going to be a big group today. Meantime, we managed to do some toileting before start hiking. The toilets were situated near the kindergarten downhill.

At around 7.20am, one of the person in charge made the call, identified the groups and assigned guides for each group. Our group is the first group and was assigned with 2 guides. Once briefing was given, off we go!

The signboard that landmark the starting point of Dolibung Waterfall

The Journey:

Started with down the stairs (same route to the toilet) then turned left at the end of stairs in front of the "Rumah Rehat". Now, the hiking adventure begins. The trail traversed through tall weedy grass, rubber plantation, moderately thick jungle, bamboo jungle and not forgetting, river crossings.

It was said that the downhill is about 70 degree downward. IT IS!!! The impacts on my knee are no joke. Plus, the heavy rain the night before has levered up the adventurous and muddiness of the trail. All I can say this trail is more than technical to me. And, I fell 3 times!

Again, because it rained last night, river crossing became tricky especially the bigger one. Extra caution is needed when crossing river the the river flow is strong. Good thing is the guide will be there to lend you a hand when you needed them. 

Downhill journey began

View that overlooking the sea

Secondary jungle

          Muddy trail             


Bamboo field

Stream crossing

Rope for slippery part
River crossing
Big tree


The destination:

Alas, after the “mudderous” journey (took me about 1h30min), we reached the waterfall. Marvelous! Unfortunately, it started to drizzle on and off. Few of the hikers had gone into the waterfall to have a quick soak. For me, I just admire from afar while trying to synchronize my breath. And, preparing myself for the second half of the uphill journey.

There are benches provided for your to overlook at the waterfall. However, the space available are quite limited. With the influx of the hikers, practically crowded and you can’t really enjoy the view. So, the tip is be the first  to reach the waterfall then you can have the view by yourself before it get packed. We got the information from the guide that total of 45 hikers on that day. That’s not all, last week the total amount hikers were about 80 of them. I cannot imagine how the trail can sustain such “heavy” load!

Also, there is a makeshift toilet slightly further away from the waterfall area. Trash bag is available at the waterfall area if you done with your snacks or light breakfast. 
[NOTE: Please do not litter along the trail. It is our responsibility to keep the environment healthy and sustainable.]

Oh ya, almost forgot to mention, apparently leeches are everywhere around waterfall area. I only saw one the entire time we were there.

If you have plan to soak yourself and enjoy the water fall on your face, then bring extra dry clothes for change later.

Okay, time’s up! Time to give way to incoming hikers.

The Return:

Starts the uphill journey with a pat on my shoulder hoping that I am able to face the ‘up’coming challenge. After crossing the river and streams, the sky starting to rain again and getting heavier as nearing the starting point . And, the mud fiesta is getting more “exciting”.  The slide marks left by the incoming hikers are still visible. So, I have to “think” where to step on. At least, I didn’t fall this time. Honestly, I felt that going uphill on in a muddy trail is not as tough as downhill though it is still slippery. The only tough is my lung capability. Had to do micro-stop to catch a breather. Ended up took longer time (about 2 hours) to reach the starting point, finally…

While waiting for the sundry shop to open, we changed into dry, clean clothes at the toilet provided. After that, we bought drinks to quench our thirst. Now, it's lunch time! Hunger is real….

Going back to starting point   
Uphill muddy climb
Return back to bamboo field 

Paddy field view              
Misty trail

Helpful guide



  • Do not underestimated the trail. Different weather different challenges.
  • Do prepare sufficient hydration. Water rationing is important. 
    • At least, 600ml to 1000ml. Especially if the weather is humid.
    • No water station along the trail.
  • Must have breakfast before hiking. Snacks for the hiking.
  • Pay attention during the briefing.
  • Wooden pole is provided if needed. Ask politely. Return them if not in use.
  • Adidas Kampung rental is available. Know your shoe size before rent.
  • The route, elevation chart & temperature chart from my Garmin Instinct Solar as below:

             The Dolibung Waterfall route about 3.19km
The elevation and temperature chart 


Waiting for guide to arrive
Wild mushroom

Look at the thickness of the bamboo

View of rest house in the mist      
Resting hut at 1.11km
from starting point
Wild flower 

Dolibung Waterfall

Heavy rain towards the starting point
Wild plant


  • Location (approximate) GPS: Dolibung Waterfall Starting Point 
    • From Kota Kinabalu city - (approximate) 50 minutes
    • From Donggongon town - (approximate) 40 minutes
    • From Tambunan town - (approximate) 40 minutes 

  • Parking: 
    • Suggest to car pool as there are limited parking space. Can park at the starting         point or the roadside by villager's house as long as not obstructing the traffic.

  • Package inclussive of entrance & guide fee (at the time of posting):
    • Package A (for 10 pax and above) - RM 28.00 per pax
    • Package B (for 3 to 9 pax) - RM 33.00 per pax
    • Package C (for 1 to 2 pax) - RM 55.00 per pax

  • Trip Frequency: 1 trip a day only

  • Trail Distance (approximate):  
    • According to their community, 3.50km per way, return is 7km.

  • Trail description: 
    • About 70 degree downhill then uphill
    • Muddy (after rain)
    • Some sloppy part of the trail has rope for some assistance
    • Some part has 'makedo' stairs with chopped logs

  • Hiking Duration
    • Depending on individual's stamina and endurance. 
    • About 3 hours return trip.

  • Hiking start time: 
    • 7.30am

  • Level of difficulty: 
    • Moderately hard (during monsoon)
  • What to wear?  
    • Wear that you comfortable with
    • Do not try new stuffs even though ugh it’s a short trail
    • Suggestions:
      • Hiking/ trekking apparel 
      • Hiking/ trekking shoe with good grip or "Adidas Kampung" shoe
      • (optional) Anti-blister socks 
      • Cap/ Hat or any type of shades

  • Gears to bring (suggestion):
    • Dry bag for own belonging
    • Clothes to change 
    • Plenty of water (according to your own needs) as no water station along the trail.
    • Snacks of your choice
    • (optional) Light breakfast 
    • (optional) Hiking/ Trekking pole

  • Further enquiry: Contact Ms Benny +6010-9568927

  • Others:  
    • Recommended to book in advance
    • No walk-in is allowed
    • No telco reception at starting point and along the trail

Instagram: @audzw


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